E-Mail: secretary@glsga.org

Phone: 616-856-0393

PO Box 728
Jenison MI 49429-0728

The Great Lakes Senior Golf Association, centered in the greater Grand Rapids, MI area, is made up of golfers

age 50 and over. We currently have over 700 members and conduct approximately 60 tournaments each year.

Welcome to the Great Lakes Senior Golf Association

The 2025 Season is Coming

The 2025 Spring Letters were mailed on Monday, February 3. The letter contains information for the upcoming season, a tournament entry form and a personal membership card. Note that inclusion of the membership card does not prove that the 2025 membership fee was paid. If needed, 2025 dues payments can be included with the entry form. Be sure to include a dues payment form.

Entry Forms Available

2025 entry forms are now available on the website. A link can be found under the SCHEDULES / FORMS drop down menu above or by clicking here.

Do You Need a Partner?

For those needing a partner be sure to write “need a partner” on the entry form. As we receive the entry forms we will be updating the Need a Partner page. We list names for golfers requesting a partner in three or more tournaments. If you are looking for someone to play with you should check the list for your division. The partner search lists the golfers name, contact information, flight and the tournaments / days needing a partner.

Did you pay your 2025 dues?

Not sure? Click here to see a list of the 400+ members that have paid their dues. Name not there? You still owe your dues. Click here for a copy of the dues payment form.

Frequently Asked Questions and Rules

In an attempt to answer questions covered at the Spring Meeting for those unable to attend, we have posted a list of frequently asked questions (click here). As additional questions are received from our members they will be added to the list. More information can be found in our rules of play (click here). A detailed explanation of our handicap system can be found  by clicking here.

If you have a new address, or have a winter address, please let us know where we should mail items. If you have alternate addresses for the prize money checks and /or the spring letter please let us know.



Soon we will begin listing tournaments that are closed due to being filled to capacity. We will also be providing a list of open tournaments that will be available to all GLGA members regardless of division.

We lost former member Rick Ward in January and GLSGA member Paul Kaderabek in February. You can find a links to the obituaries of members we lost this year on the In Memory page.