E-Mail: secretary@glsga.org

Phone: 616-856-0393

PO Box 728
Jenison MI 49429-0728

Event Entry Forms

Event Entry Forms

Regular Division

Reserve Division

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Note: the 2025 tournament entry fee will be $35.00. Before submitting an entry always check the website's home page for tournaments with a waiting list. The list will be in the right-hand column.


Clicking on the desired entry form link left will open a new window with a PDF file.

You have three choices:

1) you can save the PDF file to your computer for later use;

2) you can print the PDF file for later use;

3) you can fill out the PDF file on-line before printing. Note: Some web browsers do not allow on-line editing. In that case use option #1 or #2.

In any case, follow the directions on the form for mailing and payment. DO NOT CUT UP THE FORM. We only accept entire forms!